Thursday, September 11, 2008


You might be wondering what I mean by this. Well, I am in a small group study at my church and we are using the book, The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg. Last night was the first night, and we discussed the first 3 chapters. My friend, Kay introduced me to chapter 4 because I hadn't read it yet. She actually emailed me to tell me that I was her "DEE DAH" friend!!! I either felt special, or I thought she completely lost it, until I read Chapter 4 of this book.

The author explained that his daughter was doing a dance one day which was known around their home as the "DEE DAH DAY" dance. She did this dance on occasion's when she was so happy that she couldn't hold it in any longer! Well, as I kept reading, he wrote that he became irritated with her and told her to hurry up (She did this dance even faster because he told her to hurry)! She asked him why she needed to hurry and he could not give her a reason. He was so used to doing everything so hurriedly that he couldn't stop and let his daughter do a happy dance.

Well, that jumped off the page as I was reading it! It really made me think, think, think, as the super sleuths say, (if you happen to watch Winnie the Pooh like me.) Too often, I get too caught up in the usual and mundane routine of being so hurried that I miss the joy that is all too often right in front of my face!

Hannah is teaching me so much about joy. I tend to become irritated when something isn't done fast enough and up to my standards. I find myself saying "HURRY" a lot. Well, who am I to interrupt her "DEE DAH DAY" moments? I might need to sit back and take a few hints. As John Ortberg says some of us tend to divide up our life minutes into 2 categories, Living and Waiting to live. I would like to learn to "LIVE"...Really Live. I have realized that there is no way I can find my "DEE DAH DAY" moments in living if I am so hurried all of the time.

Eventually, John Ortberg did do the "DEE DAH DAY" dance with his daughter.
I mentioned that my friend, Kay called me her "DEE DAH DAY" friend. In his book, he encourages us to find a "Joy Carrier" person. This person makes a deliberate decision to have joy and it is contagious.

I am very flattered, and that is my prayer that others can see joy and Jesus in me no matter what is going on in my life at the time. This quote comes from C.S. Lewis, and it says, "Joy is the serious business of Heaven."
Something to think about...for all of my "DEE DAH" friends, I am very thankful! I need you.


Anonymous said...

You are so right! Do not miss the joys in life, they move fast enough as it is.

Donna Kay said...

The Holy Spirit has been showing me areas of my life when I am NOT a Joy-Carrier. . .and Joy is a COMMAND:

1 Thess. 5:16 Always be joyful!

Such a tiny little verse, I had forgotten it!

So, let me turn my frustrating moments and my discouraging times into joy. Here's how I will do it:

Psalm 9:1&2 I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to your name.