Sunday, April 23, 2017

I have not done this in a very long time. Let me just start with the fact that life has changed from when I started this blog. I intentionally have to count my blessings every day and remind myself that I am loved and that I am enough or I could never get through a day. This is still so very hard to think of myself as, but I am a divorced single mom. I look back and don't understand how I made it to the point I am now in my life. Jesus, friends, and family is the only answer...primarily Jesus. He is enough...when things are too hard and I just want to give up, He is enough. Several years ago, He proved himself to me. When I wanted to just "suddenly" be in heaven with my dad who had died one year earlier, when I knew what the next day was going to hold and I just wanted to sleep, when I was so depressed and "frozen" in fear and anxiety of my new life. My point is that God is enough. He is good when our world is crumbling. You know, I look back on things and things could have been so much worse. My world that I knew was crumbling, but God's watchful eye was still on me reminding me of who I was in him. So I guess without going on about the details, I am kinda proud of myself and the challenges I have had to overcome, and all credit is Gods and what He's done and is doing through me.

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